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"Custom Soft is a professional and goal oriented company delivering quality product on time."

- Jim Wilson(CEO) Top IT Company, USA

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Offshore software Development Communication plan

Offshore software Development Communication plan defines the interaction between the offshore team members and the Client team associated with the project.

  • List of the important contact ways and phone numbers of the various Custom Soft and client team members.
  • The planned communication methods and techniques.
  • The templates to be used for the planned communications.
A typical Offshore Development Communication plan :
Type of Communication Frequency of Communication Mode of Communication Who Initiates Objective of communication
Client Status Meeting Weekly, Day, and Time TBD Face to face Custom Soft Lead for Client Standard status meeting with predefined agenda
Offshore project Status Update Every Week, on Monday morning, Describing the status of the previous week e-mail site Project manager Describes the general progress of work on the project by the Custom Soft Team. The update will include both onshore and offshore
Working Sessions As needed Internet Messenger Meeting / Teleconference with offshore in mornings. If needed conduct Videoconference with offshore. Lead Designers Should be conducted in the mornings if Offshore needs to be involved
Project Announcements As needed Internet Messenger Meeting / Teleconference with offshore in mornings. Client PM Used to inform development teams about general information on the project.
Project Issues As needed Internet Messenger Meeting / Teleconference with offshore in mornings. Client PM Used to record and track project issues on an ongoing basis.
* TBD = To be Defined